
What Does Hacking Actually Look Like? - DataLocker Inc.

Hacking isn’t just for movies or news headlines anymore. Hacking t affects people and businesses every day. According to Inc, 60% of businesses will not make it to their sixth month in business due to hacking and cyber-attacks.

But what does hacking look like? Well, hacking can take many different forms, depending on who the target of the hack might be. On top of that, the execution of the attack can vary, depending on what kind of information infiltrators are looking for.

Here are some of the common types of hacks that you’ll see:

Identity Theft

This form of hacking has been around for some time, but the rise of technology has made it more prevalent.

In this day and age, Identity Theft is prevalent because so many people store their information online without realizing how easy it can be to hack into various websites, bank accounts, or social media platforms.

Often, identity theft happens through phone or email-based social engineering scams in which attackers fool people into thinking they’re a bank or financial institution. Many people will offer up information like social security numbers, credit card numbers, and more with a careful enough approach.

SQL Injections

An SQL injection is a technique that hackers use to get into your system. This technique is most widely used to attack web applications; however, it can affect any program that uses an SQL database or any other type of database platform.

One way this injection works is when you are inputting data on a webpage, and the hacker will insert their code where the data needs to go and can change the coding of your webpage.

For example, let’s say you are on a site where you need to type in your first name. If someone inputs their code like: “Your Name” or “first” =’ OR ‘a’=’a, then they will be able to take hold of your system and do what they please.

Stealing FTP Passwords

Since many web users store their essential passwords in weakly protected PCs (i.e those with unpatched software or no malware protection), hackers can take advantage of this situation to steal your passwords and use them.

The hacker will look for FTP login information from your system/server and channel them to their computer and use them to access your private platforms.

An example of an FTP attack is the use of Dridex Malware attack where the hacker targets your banking information to steal from your bank accounts. The hacker will send you an official-looking mail with a prompt to open a Microsoft Word or Excel file.

Once you open the file, a saved sequence of commands will start downloading Dridex Malware into your computer. This malware will then steal banking credentials and commit some fraudulent transactions, which will make you lose money.

Get the Best Hacking Solutions at DataLocker

Hacking is the illegal and unauthorized access to systems, data, and information online and it’s becoming much more prevalent. If you’re concerned about data protection, consider using powerful encryption solutions that can prevent attackers from accessing confidential data.

Visit datalocker.com for more information.