Top 5 Ways to Prevent and Remediate Ransomware

Top 5 Ways to Prevent and Remediate Ransomware

Ransomware has disrupted the cyber security landscape in devastating fashion. The trend that initially picked up steam in 2017 re-emerged to reap even more havoc amid the global pandemic caused by the COVID-19 outbreak. While many companies rushed to accommodate the...
What Is Endpoint Security?

What Is Endpoint Security?

If your business has a presence online, you need to improve your endpoint security. Research shows that around one-third of companies operating in the United States reported an attack on their desktops, laptops, smartphones, and other endpoints in 2019. This makes...
2021’s Biggest Threats To Endpoint Security

2021’s Biggest Threats To Endpoint Security

2021 has seen significant improvements in the digital realm. There has been a revolution in the way businesses operate, led by advances in the Internet of Behaviors (IoB), 5G technologies, and new developments in Big Data Analytics. However, not all changes in 2021...
Data Loss Prevention 101

Data Loss Prevention 101

Data Loss Prevention (DLP) involves using tools and processes to ensure that vulnerable data is not lost, used with malicious intents, or utilized by unauthorized individuals. In an organization, sensitive data can be compromised by both internal and external sources....