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DataLocker Introduces Sentry 5: The Ultimate Hardware Encrypted USB Flash Drive for Compliance and Security

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Welcome to the DataLocker blog, your home for DataLocker’s thoughts on the trends moving the cybersecurity industry. Bad actors are constantly developing new ways to attack and steal your data – don’t get caught in the dark. Follow the DataLocker blog for the latest in security vulnerabilities and how you can better protect your remote data.

AES Encryption

September 1, 2021 | Shauna Park

Developed in 1998 by Vincent Rijmen and Joan Daemen, two Belgian cryptographers, Advanced Encryption Standard, or AES, has been around for several decades. Originally referred to as Rijndael, AES is symmetric encryption, meaning it uses the same key to encrypt and decrypt data. By using the substitution permutation network algorithm (SPN), it encrypts through multiple […]

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Asymmetric vs Symmetric

September 1, 2021 | Shauna Park

Encryption is critical to protecting sensitive information. A lack of encryption has led to massive data breaches, including a Microsoft customer support database of over 280 million customer records, a 500K breach of Zoom accounts, and much more. In previous articles, we shared the basics of encryption, but you also need to know about the […]

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Data at rest vs. in transit.

September 1, 2021 | Shauna Park

Many people assume that when information isn’t being transmitted, it’s safe. But to effectively encrypt personally identifiable information, many variables must be considered, including the state the data is in. In order to understand how to encrypt data in various states, we first need to look at the differences between the three states of data: […]

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Encryption, data, security

September 1, 2021 | Shauna Park

Every day, people share information across public wires that travel through a series of third-party databases. Even though it’s an open system, we continue to exchange personally identifiable information like credit card numbers, bank information, passwords, and emails. Between our smartphones, tablets, and other devices, we have data traveling through many connections – so, how […]

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Why does encryption matter to organizations

September 1, 2021 | Shauna Park

Cyberthreats are a troubling daily reality, affecting everyone from small business owners to industry leaders. To make matters worse, people take more significant risks in cyberspace than they do in the physical world. Plus, the risks are harder to understand and they affect our risk vs. reward decision-making abilities. In the physical world, it’s easy […]

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May 29, 2021 | DataLocker Blog

Strong passwords are essential. But outside of writing down passwords, how can you create a password that’s both secure and memorable? What are other ways to get around writing them down? Use a Password Manager Rather than memorize a password…don’t. A password manager will create a long and complicated password automatically. When it’s time to […]

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May 29, 2021 | DataLocker Blog

Password security has become increasingly crucial as cyber attacks become more prominent. In order to create secure passwords for every account, many people are turning to password management tools to help prevent the leaking of sensitive data. With that in mind, here’s a look at some of the top password management tools. Leading Password Management […]

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May 29, 2021 | DataLocker Blog

Everything we do is connected to the internet, from chatting with friends to running an online business, or even accessing our bank accounts. In a world where everything is controlled by a smartphone and everything is online, criminals have taken to the digital streets to take every piece of sensitive data they can. Better cybersecurity […]

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May 29, 2021 | DataLocker Blog

Cyber-attacks can cost businesses an approximate average of  $200,000 every time they get hit. While malware attacks target both large and small organizations, small businesses are more likely to become victims, as only 14% implement the security measures required to prevent a threat. If you work at a business that uses digital mediums to store […]

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May 29, 2021 | DataLocker Blog

Human error can lead to the exposure of sensitive data, leading to fines, loss of reputation, and other things that can put a business on the ground. Human error is a leading contributor to security breaches in companies, but it doesn’t have to be a massive issue at your organization. There are some steps admins […]

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