DataLocker Blog


Beyond USB Storage Devices: The Increasing Risk of USB-Connected Headsets, Webcams

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Welcome to the DataLocker blog, your home for DataLocker’s thoughts on the trends moving the cybersecurity industry. Bad actors are constantly developing new ways to attack and steal your data – don’t get caught in the dark. Follow the DataLocker blog for the latest in security vulnerabilities and how you can better protect your remote data.

May 28, 2021 | DataLocker Blog

Users often depend on passwords alone to secure their data, emails, social profiles, and more. Unfortunately, a blunder can quickly lead to a hefty disaster such as a data breach. Don’t rely on merely a password for ensuring data security – this technique is obsolete. With the onset of the Dark Web, password risks have evolved, which […]

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May 28, 2021 | DataLocker Blog

Ransomware attackers block your access to the critical documents stored on your network by encrypting the files that you need for personal or business use. This attack forces organizations and individuals to pay a hefty ransom of Bitcoins to the cybercriminal holding their data hostage. The malware targets the vulnerable systems of individuals and organizations, […]

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May 28, 2021 | DataLocker Blog

Ransomware exploits victims by locking or encrypting their data files and demanding a payment to unlock or decrypt them. The victims regain access to the files by paying the attacker a set number of Bitcoins. However, there is no guarantee that paying will restore their access. This type of malware can spread easily via phishing […]

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May 28, 2021 | DataLocker Blog

Data breaches occur when protected, sensitive or confidential information is exposed to individuals who aren’t authorized to access it. These costly security incidents stem from multiple causes, including physical theft, ransomware attacks, phishing campaigns, and trusting your cybersecurity to a one-trick, poor password.   While various data breaches are due to deliberate cyber-criminal activities, a study found that 88% of data breach-related incidents happened […]

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May 28, 2021 | DataLocker Blog

Cybercrime has been on the rise for years, but the COVID-19 outbreak seems to have further fueled the situation, and cybercrime isn’t likely to slow down anytime soon. One of the best ways to avoid the growing threat of cyber-crimes in 2021 is to understand what you are up against and proactively amp up your […]

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May 28, 2021 | DataLocker Blog

We all know cyber threats are on the rise, but which are the ones you should be most concerned about? Let’s look at the top 3 cyber threats wreaking havoc today, so you know exactly what to prepare for. Phishing  According to the FBI, phishing has increased by 110% from 2019-2020. Phishing has become one […]

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May 28, 2021 | DataLocker Blog

With cybercrime on the rise, organizations are stepping beyond password security when it comes to securing individual accounts. Since these accounts house confidential information, it’s crucial that users take every precaution they can to keep that data out of the wrong hands. In addition to basic password security, businesses are layering on security methods that […]

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May 28, 2021 | DataLocker Blog

A single weak password can result in disastrous consequences such as losing sensitive personal information, pictures, contacts, professional data, and more. If your account falls into the wrong hands your work can be at risk and in some cases, it might be impossible to reverse the effects. That’s why it’s important to create strong passwords, […]

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May 28, 2021 | DataLocker Blog

The risks of identity theft, fraud, and data breaches are greater than ever. It’s crucial that businesses and individuals secure their accounts using industry best practices. While password managers are becoming more popular, are they more useful than simply memorizing your secure passwords? Memorizing Secure Passwords for Password Security People have relied on themselves to […]

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May 28, 2021 | DataLocker Blog

Password security must be improved. The world of cybercrime is evolving, and hackers are finding new ways to hack nearly anything, whether it be a social media account or a bank account. For this reason, it’s wise to improve your cyber security any way you can. Many experts suggest using a two-factor authentication system to […]

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