October 5, 2021

4 CMMC Websites You Need To Know

Organizations seeking CMMC certification who’ve proven to effectively implement NIST SP 800-171 protocols shouldn’t have a difficult time becoming CMMC compliant. However, the businesses that might not have been playing by the rules should be prepared for a large amount of work over the next few years. 

You Don’t Need To Invent The Wheel

The important thing to remember for anyone beginning the CMMC process is that there are many resources available to help you become compliant. The assessment guides contain everything you need to know to achieve certification. The biggest challenge will be implementing a process and being able to prove it. You’ll also want to read through the NIST SP 800-171 to understand what you’ll be assessed on. 

Once you feel comfortable with the requirements, complete a gap analysis and mock assessment to see what areas you need to work on. As soon as you’re aware of the processes and practices your organization needs to improve, you can determine if your team is capable of the task, or if you need to hire someone like a C3PAO or a Registered Provider Organization (RPO).  

The biggest challenge graphic

Websites You Need To Bookmark

The Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment is the authoritative source for CMMC information. Here you’ll find assessment guides, updates, and contact information. 

The National Institute of Standards and Technology: “NIST’s portfolio of services for measurements, standards, and legal metrology provide solutions that ensure measurement traceability, enable quality assurance, and harmonize documentary standards and regulatory practices.”

The Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification Accreditation Body (CMMC-AB) – Consider this a type of one-stop-shop website. Here you can find the consultants and assessors you need to begin the process. “The CMMC Accreditation Body is authorized by the US Department of Defense to be the sole authoritative source for the operationalization of CMMC Assessments and Training with the DOD contractor community.”

The CMMC Marketplace is the place within the CMMC-AB website to find authorized and accredited C3PAOs and consultants. “Before a C3PAO can conduct an assessment, they must successfully complete a CMMC ML3 Assessment conducted by DCMA DIBCAC.”