January 14, 2011

DataLocker Launches Self-Destructing Portable Hard Drive

DataLocker Inc, the Overland Park, Kansas-based company made some news last week at the Consumer Electronics Showin Las Vegas when it unveiled its new encrypted USB 3.0 portable storage drive. The Locker DL3 features up to 1TB capacity; tight, government-certified 256 bit AES XTS-mode, full drive encryption; two factor authentication; and a touch-screen authentication panel.

The thing does everything but frisk you when you use it. Be polite; you want this thing to be on your side when you’re in a foxhole.

Strange but true: There’s absolutely no software, drivers, or anything else on this device. It would be perfect for the next sequel to “Mission: Impossible”; it self-destructs when necessary.

Read the full article.