January 15, 2022

4 Simple Solutions for Bullet-Proof Backup

Data backup has become quite familiar with time. Most people are now creating data backups as they have to deal with adverse consequences otherwise. Almost 90% of companies are backing up their data, but only half maintain a daily schedule despite 42% having experienced data loss.

The main reason is that companies don’t have sufficient data protection. According to the new Veeam Data Protection Trends Report of 2022, 89% of organizations don’t have good data protection policies in place, leaving them vulnerable to data loss. Because of this, it is impossible to recover data if it is lost due to system failure.

Therefore, you must check to ensure that your data backup protection is bullet-proof.

Easy and Effective Backup Solutions

Using various solutions, you can ascertain that your data backups are secure at all times. Some of those effective solutions are:

1. Encrypt All Data

Some hackers can hack through solid firewalls. Additionally, if your data backup is in an external device, it is still exposed to damage or loss. Therefore, you should encrypt all files to ensure no one can exploit them. Encrypting data takes a little while, but it is worth the effort.

2. Place Multiple Passwords

Passwords are a surefire way to protect your data backup from every external and internal threat. However, instead of placing one password, put multiple passwords at different intervals to ensure no one can access your backups. The best strategy is to use strong passwords based on strings of numbers and words and to change them frequently. This way, no one can guess your passwords and steal your data.

3. Offsite Data Storage

Onsite data storages are pretty handy, but in case of an in-office tragedy such as fire or flooding, you lose all the data without any means of recovering it. So, even if you lose the data stored in an accident, you still have a safe place to retrieve it from. That is why it is better to use offsite data storage.

4. Allow Limited Access

Giving data storage access to multiple people is dangerous for data backup security. Therefore, only allow access to a few trusted people. But, instead of giving them free access to the database, limit their activity. That way, they can only access specific files and not the entirety of the backup.

Get Bullet-Proof Protection for Your Data Backup

Your data backup storage must have bullet-proof protection to ensure no one can access and exploit your confidential data. Get in touch with DataLocker and buy high-security data backup products to keep your data secure and protected.